beam n. 1.梁,栋梁,桁条;(船的)横梁。 2.船幅;(动物、人的)体幅。 3.(秤)杆,杠杆,(织机的)卷轴,经轴;(鹿角的)主干;车辕;犁柄;锄把。 4.(光线的)束,道,柱;【物理学】波束,射束。 5.(笑容、表情等的)焕现。 6.【无线电】有效播听范围。 7.【航空】信号电波,指向电波。 a beam of light 一束光线。 the common beam 标准秤;准则。 beam and scales 天平。 a beam of delight 高兴的表情,笑逐颜开。 an erector beam 【火箭】(发射时调整导弹位置的)千斤顶。 radio beam 无线电领航信号。 a landing beam 【航空】降落指示波。 abaft the beam = before the beam. a beam in one's eye 自己本身的大缺点〔与他人目中之刺相比,自己眼中有梁,源出《圣经》马太福音〕。 before the beam 【航海】正横前。 broad in the beam 〔口语〕臀部阔大。 fly the beam 【航空】按指向电波飞行。 fly the wet beam 【航空】顺着河流飞行。 kick [strike] the beam 1. (秤一方)翘起;过轻,不足抗衡,无足轻重。 2. 输,遭受失败。 off the beam 脱离航向,不顺利;不对头;做错。 on the beam 1. 【航海】与龙骨垂直地,正横地。 2. 在航向上;对头,做对。 on the port [larboard] beam 【航海】左舷正横前。 on the starboard beam 【航海】右舷正横前。 on the weather beam 【航海】迎着正横风。 ride the beam = fly the beam. vi. 1.辐射,发光,闪光。 2.微笑,眉开眼笑。 vt. 1.发射(光线、电波)。 2.向…放[播]送。 3.(用雷达)探测。 4.(用波束)导航(飞机等)。 beam the program at America 向美国播送节目。 the sun beaming overhead 红日当头照。 beam upon 看着…微笑。 beam with joy 眉飞色舞,笑逐颜开。
t beam t 型梁; t 形钢; t型梁; t形梁; t字梁; 丁字梁; 形材(t形钢); 字形梁
Because of its special function the prestressed concrete shows the greatly advantages to resolve the lacking of stiffness of concrete beam , to nicely control the development of the cracks and deflection of beam and acquire bigger safety store in long span construction 预应力结构因其特殊的性能能显著解决大跨结构中混凝土梁的刚度问题,很好地控制裂缝和挠度问题,并可获得较大的安全储备。
With the theoretical analysis of beams strengthened by gluing steel plates , this thesis propose the formulas to calculate the capability of bearing bending under different forms of loading , and the worth of the common function coefficient of steel plates is suggested . at the same time , the concept of premature failure and the standard of failure are brought up . finally , the referencing formulas to calculate the rigidity and deflection of beams strengthen by gluing steel plates are proposed , and the calculating results cohere to the experimental results well 通过对粘钢加固梁的理论分析,文中给出不同形式粘钢加固的抗弯承载力计算公式,并对钢板共同作用系数提出了建议值;同时,文中提出了早期破坏的概念,并给出早期破坏的强度破坏准则;最后,对粘钢加固的刚度和挠度计算提出了参考公式,且与试验结果吻合较好。